Hi Peter... On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Peter Laursen<peter_laursen@webyog.com> wrote:
I have a concern that I will ask you all to consider while there is time. I think I understand that after MariaDB 5.1 a 5.2 release is planned. I think it should not be versioned like that. Problem is that there is a MySQL 5.2 tree too (it is basically an early 6.0) and it is still available for download from FTP-mirrors like ftp://mirrors.dotsrc.org/mysql/Downloads/ .
And at Webyog you strive to actually support that version?
For generic and GUI clients (ie. not designed for specific server versions and where SQL is generated and not written by user) it is important that the version string can be used to identify what SQL statements are supported by server. The first thing such clients (like our own SQLyog) does after connection is to SELECT VERSION() .. and only after that we know if there is support for EVENTS, if IF EXISTS is supported for DROP TRIGGER sysntax and so on. If there are two different 5.2 trees (MariaDB based on MySQL 5.1 and MySQL 5.2) it gets more difficult to handle. . I asked Monty about this at one of his sessions at the latest UC and he told like 'we are good citizens - except for the comment field MariaDB will be versioned like the MySQL code it is based upon'. What I also think is the best solution. The *version* should not be the same for different builds with even the slightest difference in what SQL server understands. On the opposite version should be the same as long as SQL- interface (even with possible Engine-specific extensions) is the same no matter how much they differ internally.
Maybe in the long run diversification is inevitable. But in that case it should be planned well!
From your point of view, how should we identify a release that
- Uses MySQL 5.1 as baseline - Note: MariaDB 5.1 also uses MySQL 5.1 as baseline - Has more features than MariaDB 5.1 ? henrik -- email: henrik.ingo@avoinelama.fi tel: +358-40-5697354 www: www.avoinelama.fi/~hingo book: www.openlife.cc