24 Feb
24 Feb
10:21 p.m.
Hi there Sachin, Good to see you working on this! > On 22 Jan 2020, at 13:29, Sachin Setiya <sachin.setiya@mariadb.com> wrote: … > Usage:- Using this feature is quite simple. > 1. On master you have to turn on `BINLOG_SPLIT_ALTER` dynamic variable. > 2. Slave must be using parallel replication. > > Advance Usage:- > So alter is divided like this. > 1. START identifier Actual_alter_stmt > 2. COMMIT/ROLLBACK identifier Actual_alter_stmt. OR > 2. COMMIT/ROLLBACK identifier ALTER > > identifier is thread_id. thread_id of the active connection? So it’s only possible for a single thread to kick off a _single_ “background/asynchronous ALTER table” ? Might it not be possible for me to kick off several at once? e.g. START 1 ALTER TABLE A add column a varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘A’; START 2 ALTER TABLE B add column b varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘B’; …. START 26 ALTER TABLE Z add column z varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘Z’; I would expect the identifier to be unique (globally). Being numeric is fine. What happens if I repeat the same or an existing identifier? I’d expect to get some sort of error message “background alter table with identifier 6 already running”, but then the next question would be: “What ALTER TABLE is identifier 6?” leading maybe to a request to SHOW ALTER TABLE 6 or similar. That’s unless I’ve misunderstood by what is expected to be provided by “identifier”. I’m guessing it’s just meant to be a unique reference which somehow can be used or verified later? > Questions by Simon Mudd. … >>> * this behaviour should be configurable? > Yes. >>> - new global variable on the master to allow injection of this changed event stream? > Right , `BINLOG_SPLIT_ALTER` >>> - a new session variable set in the session where the command is triggered ? > Right , `BINLOG_SPLIT_ALTER` >>> - on slave a setting to indicate how many INPLACE ALTER TABLEs can run at once? > No setting so far , but I am thinking of maximum no of CONCURRENT ALTER = > slave_parallel_threads >>> * how does a DBA monitor what’s going on? >>> - the progress and number of active DDL statements > So as we there is 2 part, So progress will go like this > 1. Executing of start alter (this will take most of time) > 2. Waiting for commit/rollback Signal > 3. Commit/ Rollback Alter. > Number of active ALTER , these will create new threads so DBA can know > using this > or I am thinking of adding variable in SHOW SLAVE INFO. which will > show active DDL. >>> - please consider adding counters/metrics for: >>> * number of “asynchronous DDLs” in progress / completed successfully / failed or rolled back > Okay, We can have counter for these metrics. If i get time to implement this. >>> * sizes of the DDL changes made so far > Not sure if we need this. Actually this is critical. Imagine I kick off an ALTER TABLE of a 1 TB table. That is going to take a long time to run, so I need a reasonably easy way to figure out how far things have progressed. I had anticipated something like a counter of bytes or rows affected / copied so far, or an indication of the position copying data from the source to destination table. Perhaps that’s too complicated and I need to use something like I_S.TABLES and some combination of DATA_LENGTH / INDEX_LENGTH and DATA_FREE for both the original and new versions of the table, but I suspect that during the ALTER TABLE this meta data may not yet exist anywhere. So how do I find out how much work has been done and how much is left? Some of the OSCs I have done in production have taken over 3 months to run so having a progress meter of some sort tends to be really useful. Other than that I’m following your work with a lot of interest. Regards, Simon