-----Original Message----- From: maria-developers-bounces+wlad=sun.com@lists.launchpad.net [mailto:maria-developers-bounces+wlad=sun.com@lists.launchpad.net] On Behalf Of Sergey Petrunya Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 6:24 PM To: Henrik Ingo Cc: maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net Subject: Re: [Maria-developers] Windows installer, part 2 This might scare away non-technically-savy users - in Windows XP the windows explorer app won't even show the contents of C:\Program Files\, instead it will show a message telling you that this is a folder with system files that you shouldn't mess with.
I hope you do not want to store data files in Program Files. This location is first, restricted for use by the (elevated) Administrators only and second, it is there to store executables and shared libraries and maybe even readonly data from the installation. Program data like databases are to be stored somewhere else, "echo %ProgramData%" might give a hint to the correct folder:)