MARK CALLAGHAN <mdcallag@gmail.com> writes:
Define "properly"? I suspect you mean that you want us to spend the time to get our changes into MariaDB.
No, that is not what I meant. I meant write code, tests, etc. like what you and I want to see in the MySQL source. You have often voiced opinions on quality of code, tests, etc., and I believe we think very much alike in this respect. The concrete example was extending the alter table API to better support online schema changes. When we did this at MySQL for online add column in NDB Cluster, we designed it as a general extension to the storage engine API, not as some special case. I think this is what everyone would expect from MySQL sources. But doing such features in a general way, thinking about all use cases and corner cases, can be _much_ more work than making something work well for a given problem at hand. I fully understand the temptation, or even need, to solve the smaller problem instead. My motivation is that I want to see the MySQL source base (under whatever name), see revolutionary improvements long-term. I want to see full parallel replication working with any engine that implements the necessary storage engine API. I want to see a good backup solution that works with different engines. I want to see replication that recovers reliably from crashes and has robust and easy master promotion capabilities. Etc. And I believe to get this we will need not just to add isolated features (whether as individual patches or collected in bzr branches); we will also eventually have to evolve the storage engine API, add new plugin interfaces, etc. That is a lot of work, which is hard to justify for an individual MySQL-using organisation. So I want to encourage everyone to participate in this who might be able to. - Kristian.