8 Mar
8 Mar
10:13 a.m.
Hi Kristian! Le 08/03/2017 à 09:58, Kristian Nielsen a écrit :
Will Fong <will.fong@mariadb.com> writes:
But even better woulf be if most users did not have to do anything to get the improved performance. Maybe we could just have a hardcoded list of engines that are suitable for mysql.gtid_slave_pos (eg. innodb, tokudb, myrocks). And replication will automatically create a suitable mysql.gtid_slave_pos_XXX if it sees a transaction in one of those engines, unless --skip-gtid-auto-create-pos-table is set. For more exotic/experimental engine, the user can manually call mysql.gtid_pos_add_engine() if desired. Why not using the XA support flag of the engine to check if we should create the gtid_slave_pos_{engine} file ?