Hi, Juan! I've created a page here: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/rmariadb/ Feel free to edit it further and add more content. On Oct 06, Juan Telleria wrote:
Dear R Developers,
A new package has been released for the "R Statistical Programming Language" in which the R community has put a great effort into it: RMariaDB.
It enables a robust data transfer between R and MariaDB.
The link on CRAN (R package repository) can be accessed from:
And can be installed in R by using the following statement:
So, just as PHP community developed connector was distributed in the past within MySQL webpage, I do think that this connector could benefit from being distributed (or having a link to CRAN) from the MariaDB Foundation Download Webpage.
I believe that many people has putted a great effort on this connector, and it would benefit from greater visibility for better support and maintenance.
Thank you, Juan
Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and security@mariadb.org