Hi, Shubham! What do you think about a higher-level implementation? Not in InnoDB or in MyISAM at all, but in the sql/ directory, on the sql layer? Like, on CREATE TABLE you automatically add a new BIGINT column, but hide it from the user (not show it in SHOW COLUMNS and in SELECT *). Create an index for it (also hidden). Put the blob's hash into this column. And on collisions retrieve both rows and compare blobs. Just like MyISAM is doing, but not on the storage engine level, but in the engine-independent fashion, something that works for all engines. This might be even easier than doing it inside InnoDB. Want to look at this approach? MySQL 5.7 has something similar (long unique constraints on the sql layer), but they've done it only for internal temporary tables (like MyISAM's MI_UNIQUE is only used for internal temporary tables), and it's not directly available for the user. Still, it might give you some hinst about how to implement this feature on the sql layer. What do you think? Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and security@mariadb.org On Mar 24, Shubham Barai wrote:
Hello Sergei,
After discussing with Jan and you , I have included the proposal for InnoDB and project timeline in my draft proposal. It would be great if you can provide final feedback so that I will be able to submit my final proposal today.