Hi Sergey and Roberto,
Thank you for reviewing and suggesting!
Currently, branch is the following.
> The most important thing I'm worried about is that there is no protection
> of ticket lists: lists may be updated while we iterate them and it may cause
> server crash in concurrent environment. From what I can see MDL_context is
> mostly supposed to be accessed only by thread which owns this context. As such
> it is not protected by any locks.
> I believe we should use global lists instead, something like:
> mysql_mutex_lock(&mdl_locks.m_mutex);
> iterate mdl_locks.m_locks (hash of MDL_lock)
> {
> mysql_prlock_rdlock(&lock->m_rwlock);
> iterate lock->m_granted (list of MDL_ticket)
> {
> // store data
> }
> mysql_prlock_unlock(&lock->m_rwlock);
> }
> mysql_mutex_lock(&mdl_locks.m_mutex);
> A few more suggestions in no particular order:
> - instead of making m_tickets public I'd suggest to try to make
> i_s_metadata_lock_info_fill_table() a friend function
> (shouldn't be relevant anymore)
> - why check for thd->killed?
> (shouldn't be relevant anymore)
> - metadata_lock_info_lock_mode_length[] includes ending zero, and then
> we store e.g. "MDL_SHARED\0" whereas we should store "MDL_SHARED"
> I'd suggest to declare these arrays as following:
> static const LEX_STRING metadata_lock_info_lock_mode_str[]=
> {
> ...
> };
> - Roberto suggests to rename ID to THREAD_ID and I agree
> - Roberto suggests to add QUERY_ID column and I agree
Not fixed. Where can I get locker's QUERY_ID?
> - Roberto suggests to add LOCK_DURATION column and I agree
Fixed. If calling find_ticket() for getting LOCK_DURATION is costly, I will change it. Please review it.
> - Roberto suggests to use m_namespace_to_wait_state_name instead of
> metadata_lock_info_lock_names, but I tend to disagree because the former says
> "Waiting for...". Though I'd suggest to make array of LEX_STRING's to avoid
> calling strdup().
> - Roberto suggests to replace DB with KEY and NAME with SUB_KEY, but I tend to
> disagree since in most cases it is db and table name. I'd vote for
> TABLE_SCHEMA and TABLE_NAME to stay in line with the rest I_S tables.