Hi Sergei,

I am Sriram Patil. I am a Masters' student at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India.

I have been working on a small DB Engine as part of my course work in C++. I have also worked on a SQLite DB abstraction library FMDB in Objective-C. Also, I am currently working on lock-free concurrent B-trees (Java), and going to evaluate it with an in-memory database to check the performance.

I have also worked on libdaap and Rhythembox source code during my undergraduate project. You can check my GitHub and BitBucket accounts which have some of my projects.

I am interested to work on "CREATE OR REPLACE, CREATE IF NOT EXISTS, and DROP IF EXISTS" project as part of GSOC 2014. I want to apply my subject knowledge at a bigger level which will also give me an idea about the practical issues while implementing the features.

I have gone through the project description and understood that a generic interface needs to be implemented for "CREATE OR REPLACE" and "CREATE IF NOT EXISTS" for functions, procedures, tables, triggers, etc.

But, I understand I am a pretty late to discuss these things with you. Is it okay if I submit my proposal document directly? Also, do you recommend me to go through some specific things with respect to this project before I start working on my proposal draft?

Sriram Patil
IIIT Hyderabad,