Hi Bill! Welcome to the MariaDB project. Have you read the contributing guides on the Knowledgebase? A good way to start is find some low hanging fruit in Jira, and then fix it (we're in github so you can submit a pull request when done). Let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Cheers. On Friday, September 18, 2015, Acha Bill <achabill12@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello guys,
I'm Acha Bill. Final year undergraduate in Computer Engineering. I would like to be an active contributor to your ongoing projects. I have good knowledge of C/C++ and MySQL.
As this is my first approach to open source, any guidance will be much appreciated. Bill.
-- Colin Charles, Chief Evangelist, MariaDB Corporation blog: http://bytebot.net/blog/ | t: +1-347-903-3201 | Skype: colincharles | Twitter: @bytebot