Hi all, Sorry for the irregular updates. I had been busy for last couple of days and might still be busy for 1-2 days more. I would be completely free starting next week, and would be updating my blog weekly on every Monday (so 1st update would be on May 12). I would also send the link of my post weekly on the mailing list. As discussed on irc, I started to explore the pair of constants: handler::scan_time() and handler::read_time(). I also started looking into sql_statistics.cc for writing the optimizer constants into a persistent db. Regards Anshu Avinash On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:08 PM, Colin Charles <colin@mariadb.org> wrote:
On 8 May 2014, at 22:33, Sergei Golubchik <serg@mariadb.org> wrote:
Hi, Anshu!
How are you doing? Any progress so far?
On Apr 30, Anshu Avinash wrote:
And, by the way, when you start coding (May 19) or earlier, as you prefer, I would like to start seeing some kind of weekly updates from you. In email or in your blog - whatever you feel more comfortable
Blog updates should be fine.
That's fine. Whatever you prefer. One blog post every week then, preferrably on Monday.
For the benefit of others Anshu, please also post your weekly reports to maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net - I think it will be really good for those that don't drop by your blog and you'll likely also get other feedback maybe
This goes to all those participating in GSoC.
Also for those with a blog + RSS feed, you should aim to get it on http://planetmariadb.org/ and http://planet.mysql.com/
cheers, -colin
-- Colin Charles, Chief Evangelist, SkySQL - The MariaDB Company blog: http://bytebot.net/blog/| t: +6-012-204-3201 | Skype: colincharles