Hi Rich, i just see some guys using OLAP, i don't have a full understand of what's OLAP I think we can do with sql, but i don't know how guys use it, they talk about linq (.net functions), mdx and cubes, check this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_analytical_processing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OLAP_cube http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_OLAP_Servers I saw guys using with sql server and oracle servers, but i really don't know how usefull they are In a high level i think that's a tool that run over sql layer, something that tcp is over ip protocol, they have cubes (views), measures (columns) and dimensions (rows). i think that each cube is a sql query (? maybe i'm wrong) and measures are columns, and dimensions are rows, something like versions of these measures, or maybe view this as a cube, something like X/Y/Z axis well i don't really know what this could do, they tell that's for datamining and get more information about data, i didn't see something like this (datamining) in mysql/mariadb, that's why i asked i take a look many times ago about column database, that's a nice tool but i don't think it's something that guys see as OLAP solution, column database have a really nice use and can optimize many things well any information is welcome, i will search more about it, maybe it's a easy tool to implement (maybe not) but if it's usefull we could give a try thanks Rich