Hi Sergei,

I studied lex and yacc and understood complete parser written in sql_yacc.yy. Also went through the constants and symbols declared in lex.h, sql_yacc.h, sql_cmd.h.

I found out that OR REPLACE and IF NOT EXISTS is already implemented for tables. The IF NOT EXISTS rule is also defined for index in yacc file but not handled in the execution code. And for other object types we need to add the rules in yacc files and also need to change the code in "mysql_create_<object_type>" functions in respective files.

The OR REPLACE and IF NOT EXISTS are handled in the create execution itself. I found two flags in LEX class which are used for the purpose, create_info.options and check_exists.

So, are all the things that I have compiled correct?

I have an initial draft of my proposal ready. I will upload it on the GSOC portal today, please review. Should I also email the same to you?

Looking forward to your reply.


On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 9:53 PM, Sergei Golubchik <serg@mariadb.org> wrote:
Hi, Sriram!

On Mar 18, Sriram Patil wrote:
> Hi Sergei,
> Thank you for such a quick reply.
> I will look into the files you have mentioned.
> Also, is there any particular format for the proposal draft? Or may be if
> you expect some points to be mentioned clearly in the proposal draft.

No particular format, look at templates of other organizations, if you
want something to start from.

You could mention, for example, what exactly do you plan to do in this
project, how, the timeline. A bit about yourself. And so on.
