21 Sep
21 Sep
11:02 p.m.
Hi, Sergey! On Jul 01, Sergey Vojtovich wrote:
revision-id: 949e2aede909686053ab83ebf2741901be416a07 (mariadb-10.0.26-4-g949e2ae) parent(s): 0fdb17e6c3f50ae22eb97b6363bcbd8b0cd9e040 committer: Sergey Vojtovich timestamp: 2016-07-01 13:57:18 +0400 message:
MDEV-10315 - Online ALTER TABLE may get stuck in tdc_remove_table
There was race condition between online ALTER TABLE and statements performing TABLE_SHARE release without marking it flushed (e.g. in case of table cache overflow, SET @@global.table_open_cache, manager thread purgine table cache).
The reason was missing mysql_cond_broadcast().
ok to push Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and security@mariadb.org