"Sergei" == Sergei Golubchik <serg@askmonty.org> writes:
Sergei> Hi, Jeremy! Sergei> On Jun 10, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:
I just submitted a patch to a MySQL bug that I am also experiencing. I would like to see it accepted into the wider community (MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, etc). Please let me know what I need to do so that this patch could also be accepted into your project.
The bug is here: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=59449 The "[11 Jun 3:16] Jeremy Thomerson" comment will be the most useful.
Please CC me on any replies to this thread because I am not subscribed to this mailing list.
Sergei> You don't need to do anything. At least not yet. Sergei> We still merge with upstream from time to time, so when this bug will be Sergei> fixed in MySQL, we'll get it too. Sergei> But if Oracle will refuse to fix this bug, we will look at your patch, Sergei> certainly. To ensure we don't forget about this, if you are not sure that Oracle has fixed the bug within one month, ping us and we will look at adding this into MariaDB at once. Regards, Monty