Hi, Sergey! On Jul 22, Sergey Vojtovich wrote:
diff --git a/scripts/mysql_performance_tables.sql b/scripts/mysql_performance_tables.sql index d495578..3061603 100644 --- a/scripts/mysql_performance_tables.sql +++ b/scripts/mysql_performance_tables.sql @@ -53,1427 +53,3 @@ SET @str = IF(@broken_pfs = 0, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt;
Why did you keep the above? I'd think that a simple
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS performance_schema
should be enough to replace the whole file. And it could be moved back to mysql_system_tables.sql, so this file could be completely removed.
I thought we can't discover database name and it needs to be created manually. But if you say it is possible: I'll try it. There are also additional checks that would prevent dropping P_S database if there are non-PFS tables/views/events/routines. Should we abandon these checks too?
I'm not sure. P_S doesn't allow anyone to create table in the P_S database. But yes, one can copy files manually. So, the options are 1. db is not needed, don't preserve files: DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS performance_schema 2. db is needed, don't preserve files: DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS performance_schema CREATE DATABASE performance_schema 3. preserve files: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS performance_schema Either way, there's no need to do any IF's and checks. I tend to agree, it's better to preserve user's files (and other objects) in P_S.
diff --git a/storage/perfschema/pfs_engine_table.cc b/storage/perfschema/pfs_engine_table.cc index 958a2bd..6f0a363 100644 --- a/storage/perfschema/pfs_engine_table.cc +++ b/storage/perfschema/pfs_engine_table.cc @@ -1440,5 +1319,17 @@ end: DBUG_RETURN(false); }
+int pfs_discover_table_names(handlerton *hton, LEX_STRING *db, + MY_DIR *dir,
hm, no "unused argument" compiler warnings? okay... Strange indeed. It was compiled like: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMYSQL_MAINTAINER_MODE=ON && make
It adds -Wno-unused-parameter gcc flag. Same flag seem to be added in release builds. Did we decide not to hunt for unused arguments?
Seems like this was done in 5.5 by Oracle in 2010
diff --git a/storage/perfschema/table_file_summary.cc b/storage/perfschema/table_file_summary.cc deleted file mode 100644 index 104fa0f..0000000 --- a/storage/perfschema/table_file_summary.cc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
Why did you remove this file? It had file_summary_by_event_name and file_summary_by_instance which were moved to table_file_summary_by_event_name.cc and table_file_summary_by_instance.cc.
Otherwise it wasn't even listed in CMakeLists.txt.
Yes, I've noticed that you only removed pfs_check.cc from CMakeLists.txt, that was also puzzling. Okay then. Regards, Sergei