Paul McCullagh <paul.mccullagh@primebase.org> writes:
You are welcome to make the changes to the PBXT tests. For the PBXT trunk we are still using 5.1.35 for testing, but this should not be a problem.
Ok, will do, I will send you a link to the patch/commit.
I had a look, and the only failure that is a bit odd is: pbxt.subselect
mysqltest: At line 34: query 'SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1) a PROCEDURE ANALYSE((SELECT 1))' failed with wrong errno 1108: 'Incorrect parameters to procedure 'ANALYSE'', instead of 1221...
Looks like NALYSE((SELECT 1)) is no longer possible.
I think this is due to the fix for this bug: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=48293 So it should be ok, I think I had the same issue for XtraDB tests.
I am currently updating the PBXT version in MariaDB to 1.0.09 (RC3). I will propose a merge for this shortly.
Ok, excellent! Thanks, - Kristian.