Hi, Oleksandr! On Apr 21, Oleksandr Byelkin wrote:
OK, INSERT probably is not needed, but we have tons (more than 40 I think) of DELETE in our tests (and so UPDATE should work).
Yes, the view is delete-able and some columns are update-able. So, let's keep these privileges. INSERT and LOAD never worked.
Also we have not LOAD but this:
rpl.rpl_current_user 'stmt' w7 [ fail ] Test ended at 2020-04-21 09:34:44
CURRENT_TEST: rpl.rpl_current_user mysqltest: In included file "./include/diff_tables.inc": included from /home/sanja/maria/git/10.4/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_current_user.test at line 65: At line 170: query 'SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '$_dt_outfile' FROM $_dt_database.$_dt_table ORDER BY `$_dt_column_list`' failed: 1356: View 'test.v_user' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
This must be a bug. If one does SELECT * INTO OUTFILE FROM some.view than the current user should have FILE, not the view definer. Regards, Sergei VP of MariaDB Server Engineering and security@mariadb.org