andrei.elkin@pp.inet.fi writes:
If my concern is practical we may consider *optionally* strict delete domain FLUSH LOGs. The errored out version would maintain a
In that case, I would compare to SET GLOBAL gtid_binlog_state. Currently, this is even more restricted, it is only allowed when the binlog is completely empty. If the philosophy is "the user knows what she is doing", then an unsafe SET GLOBAL gtid_binlog_state allows to do everything an unsafe DELETE DOMAIN would, and more. (Then SET GLOBAL gtid_binlog_state should be changed to not do implicit RESET MASTER, only implicit FLUSH BINARY LOGS). Then there is no need to introduce new syntax.
might be equivalent to RESET MASTER as the 'erroneous' log file is last. That's why I was content without p.3 and with p.4 that does not necessary error out.
I do not think it is equivant. RESET MASTER requires to stop _all_ servers and reset the gtid position on all slaves. That is very disruptive. In contrast, the safe version of DELETE DOMAIN only requires a FLUSH BINARY LOG and waiting until slaves are up-to-date.
To dramatize mdev-12012 case with a complication, what if p.2 can't be not ensured, say, due to another temporarily stopped slave who (for simplicity) does not care for the being deleted domain?
I do not think this is a concern. I think it is reasonable in this case to require that all slaves be up to date with a FLUSH LOGS before switching the system to GTID. One criteria I use for choosing between a strict and a relaxed behaviour is to consider if the relaxed behaviour can be reasonably documented. In fact, it is a good idea to sketch a full documentation for a new feature early during design. If the behaviour in the relaxed case cannot be fully described in documentation, then it will be hard for the user to "know what she is doing". And easy to accidentally end up with an incorrect result. In this case, I find it hard to see how to fully document what happens with any left-over GTIDs in domains that were deleted. Or even fully understand myself how they will behave (or misbehave). Hence my recommendation to make it an error. - Kristian.