Hello Sergei, On 04/09/2018 01:09 PM, Sergei Golubchik wrote:
Hi, Alexander!
On Apr 09, Alexander Barkov wrote:
Hi Sergei,
I'm looking at this use rule in sql_yacc.yy:
history_point: temporal_literal { $$= Vers_history_point(VERS_TIMESTAMP, $1); } | function_call_keyword_timestamp { $$= Vers_history_point(VERS_TIMESTAMP, $1); } | opt_history_unit simple_expr { $$= Vers_history_point($1, $2); } ;
AS OF DATE 'xxx' - returns Vers_history_point(VERS_TIMESTAMP) AS OF DATE('xxx') - returns Vers_history_point(VERS_UNDEFINED)
I suspect that's ok, because with VERS_UNDEFINED it'll look at the result_type() and will change to VERS_TIMESTAMP.
Note, history_point adds around 20 shift/reduce conflicts. I'd like to resolve them.
Might've been better to look at cmp_type() though.
A new method in Type_handler would be even better.
AS OF TIMESTAMP('2001-01-01') - returns Vers_history_point(VERS_TIMESTAMP) AS OF COALESCE(TIMESTAMP('2001-01-01')) - returns Vers_history_point(VERS_UNDEFINED)
Perhaps this is not expected.
Also, this code looks suspicious:
void Vers_history_point::resolve_unit(bool timestamps_only) { if (item && unit == VERS_UNDEFINED) { if (item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM || timestamps_only) unit= VERS_TIMESTAMP; else if (item->result_type() == INT_RESULT || item->result_type() == REAL_RESULT) unit= VERS_TRX_ID; else unit= VERS_TIMESTAMP; } }
Why DECIMAL_RESULT is not handled?
Looks like a bug. I think it should be.
Should I report a bug, or will you do?
Why only Item::FIELD_ITEM is checked?
Vers_history_point::resolve_unit is called too early, fields are not fixed yet, so item->result_type() crashed.
What about other Item types? Their result_type() methods is called in non-fixed state. I'd say this is a bug. Are you going to fix this? Is it reported? Btw, this makes me think that a DBUG_ASSERT must be added into Field::result_type(), like this: Item_result result_type() const { DBUG_ASSERT(fixed); --- to be added return type_handler()->result_type(); }
Can't "history_point" be simplified to something like:
history_point: simple_expr { $$= Vers_history_point(VERS_UNDEFINED, $1); } | TRANSACTION_SYM simple_expr { $$= Vers_history_point(VERS_TRX_ID, $2); } ;
So, because of the problem with result_type() being called in non-fixed state, we have a rule "history_point" which catches most useful constant and functions and resolves them immediately to VERS_TIMESTAMP, while other Item times are resolved in Vers_history_point::resolve_unit(). In case of a fixed-type Items, for example INT and REAL functions, they get resolved as VERS_TRX_ID. Hybrid type Items, e.g. function COALESCE or CASE, in non-fixed state return REAL_RESULT. So they get resolved as VERS_TRX_ID. Even if their appear to be of a temporal data type later. I propose 1. Either we fix the code to call resolve_unit() in fixed state. 2. Or, if it's too hard, at least temporary disallow hybrid data type Items to be used in AS OF. Is N1 doable quickly? If we go N2, a new method "virtual const Type_handler *Item::fixed_result_type_handler()" can be added. It can result a non-NULL pointer for Items with known data type, whose result_type() does not change on fix_fields(), and a NULL pointer for hybrid Item types which need fix_fields() to know result_type(). If the new method returns NULL, just throw an error about a bad AS OF expression.
I'm saying "something like" because TRANSACTION_SYM will cause a conflict with simple_expr. So probably it should be cought somehow else, by catching Item_ident and checking it name.
Btw, an SP variable with name "TRANSACTION" does not work well:
Good point. That's a bug.
Should I report a bug, or will you do?
Now I can think of more ways of introducing the identifier TRANSACTION there, like
Good catch :)
Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and security@mariadb.org