My point was that if you never used Windows above XP, UAC and PCA could very well fool you when it comes to installing. So you should have a basic understanding of it! Yes in my understanding the same installer package will work with 32 bit and 64 bit (with the possibility that some file names will be different). -- Peter On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 23:53, Sergey Petrunya <psergey@askmonty.org> wrote:
Hi Peter,
On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 09:28:33PM +0200, Peter Laursen wrote:
1) Another important point is that the installer should include an Application Manifest for compability with Windows "Program Compatibility Assistant" (PCA) of recent Windows versions. If not recent Windows will popup error messages when installing. I would expect something like that to be handled by the installer (in the same way like it handles, e.g. unpacking files). At the moment we assume that MySQL/MariaDB themselves use WinAPI in a way that's compatible with Vista (and higher).
2) What here has been decribed as related to 'Vista' should be 'Vista and higher'. It also applies to Win2008, Win7 and Win2008r2. Do not forget those. Win7 will be the dominant Windows variant in a few months I believe (and it deserves it as it is much better than both XP and Vista). Nobody should develop for Windows on 2K/XP/2003 these days. Get a copy of Win7 64 bit and use it. I'm afraid I'll be using Win7 in the same way I'm using XP (for fixing build errors) and that alone won't bring any improvement. Are there any specific properties or new features that we should look at?
3) I can see that quite a lot of comments came here. I had no time to study in detail. I will try in the weekend. . 4) 64 bit server for Windows will very soon be more important than 32 bit server I think (at least for production environments). Also note that MySQL only distribute 'snapshots' from "MySQL labs" as 64 bit. 32 bit Windows is dead as regards new systems (with the possible exception of netbooks - I do not know if the CPUs used for those are 64 bit or not). 64-bit Windows builds are on our todo. Am I correct in my understanding that we'll need to produce two installer packages (one for 32-bit, one for 64), but installation script will be the same for both (like the C++ source code is)?
BR Sergey -- Sergey Petrunia, Software Developer Monty Program AB, http://askmonty.org Blog: http://s.petrunia.net/blog