Hi ,
I have to find out in MariaDb how to implement some features used in
Oracle . I have:
- Load a file: in Oracle I use the external table. Is there a way (fast
and efficient one ) to load a file into a table . Has MariaDb a plugin
which allows to load well a specific format of files?
- In my existing Oracle code I used to developp a java wrap functions
which are called by the Oracle Pl/Sql procedures , is there a similar way to call external java procedure in MariaDb?
For example In my Pl/Sql code I can do this calling java proc :
1- Search a files in an OS directory and insert them in a table,
2- Send an SNMP trap
3- Send a mail via SMTP
- Is there an equivalent to an Oracle job in Mariadb?
- Is there an
equivalent to Oracle TDE (Transparent data encryption) ?
-Is there an
equivalent to the VPD (virtual private policy)?
Do you have some usefull links to help doing this study? (FAQs tutorial links..)
Many Thanks and Best Regards