Daniel Bartholomew <dbart@montyprogram.com> writes:
Please take a look at the Release Notes and Changelog pages and let me know if anything is missing or needs to be changed.
"For MariaDB 5.2.6 we have merged in all of the changes from the MariaDB 5.1 source tree including all of the upstream changes from MySQL 5.1.57/58. The MySQL 5.1.57 and 5.1.58 release notes have details of what changes were made upstream by MySQL." Unfortunately, this is not what was done :-( Instead, we have some part of MySQL 5.1.57 (but not everything), and some part of .58. The precise point at which we merged is the bzr revision revid:nirbhay.choubey@oracle.com-20110427115410-vpeshiv6u5snkvzi The only real way of getting the list of exactly what MySQL changes are included in the merge is to compare the history for this revision using bzr. Not the way I would have prefered to do things, but that is how it was done.
Otherwise things look fine, as far as I can tell. Thanks! - Kristian.