Hello Sergei,
I didn't thought so much about the implementation, but about the interface, how it look from the user point of view.
You, yourself, used the word "logon and logoff triggers" - perhaps, these *should* indeed be defined as triggers?
Sure, absolutely. I was not aware, that this is a request programme! ;-)
In this form, this is purely a syntax extension - different set of keywords, providing exactly the same functionality as before. Old syntax should continue to work, of course.
The origins come from Oracles Database triggers: http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/ora/sql/create_trigger.html http://psoug.org/reference/system_trigger.html http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/statements_70... There we have triggers for logon, logoff, startup and shutdown (which is represented in MySQL as init-connect and init-file hook) In Oracle they know: BEFORE, AFTER and INSTEAD OF triggers. And and as database events are known: SERVERERROR, LOGON, LOGOFF, STARTUP, SHUTDOWN and SUSPEND So I prefer triggers if it is not too much work. I was just not capable to implement this change.
P.S. I'd also like to see changes in functionality, coming after changes in the syntax. E.g. an I_S table that shows all triggers. Or MySQL remembering and preserving LOGON/LOGOFF triggers over restart. But I don't mind moving forward one step at time.
Sure! Best regards, Oli -- FromDual - Vendor independent and neutral MySQL consulting. Oli Sennhauser Rebenweg 6 CH - 8610 Uster / Switzerland Phone +41 44 940 24 82 Mobile +41 79 830 09 33 e-Mail oli.sennhauser@fromdual.com Website http://www.fromdual.com/ Skype fromdual Jabber fromdual@swissjabber.ch Yahoo IM fromdual Xing https://www.xing.com/profile/Oliver_Sennhauser LinkedIn http://ch.linkedin.com/in/shinguz Twitter http://twitter.com/shinguz