
I am Mike Reiss a MS Computer Science student and I would love to work on enhancing the mysqlbinlog tool  during GSoC 2017 [MDEV-4989]. I have studied the mysqlbinlog.cc file and experimented with the various options available in the my_options array of the tool. The proposed idea is straight forward to implement: We add the --start-gtid and --stop-gtid options to the array of options then parse the GTID passed to these options to get the GTID sequence number for the binlog. One quick question. Is there any relationship between a GTID sequence number and the argument passed to the --start-position option? that way we need to set the start position to the GTID sequence number. I am still doing more research into the source files and I will love to discuss this more with the mentor. I am having difficulties debugging mysqlbinlog on OS X sierra because it does not support GDB any ideas please?
