Hi Sergei, On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 12:37:25PM +0200, Sergei Golubchik wrote:
On Jul 22, Sergey Vojtovich wrote:
diff --git a/scripts/mysql_performance_tables.sql b/scripts/mysql_performance_tables.sql index d495578..3061603 100644 --- a/scripts/mysql_performance_tables.sql +++ b/scripts/mysql_performance_tables.sql @@ -53,1427 +53,3 @@ SET @str = IF(@broken_pfs = 0, @cmd, 'SET @dummy = 0'); PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; DROP PREPARE stmt;
Why did you keep the above? I'd think that a simple
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS performance_schema
should be enough to replace the whole file. And it could be moved back to mysql_system_tables.sql, so this file could be completely removed.
I thought we can't discover database name and it needs to be created manually. But if you say it is possible: I'll try it. There are also additional checks that would prevent dropping P_S database if there are non-PFS tables/views/events/routines. Should we abandon these checks too?
I'm not sure. P_S doesn't allow anyone to create table in the P_S database. But yes, one can copy files manually. So, the options are
1. db is not needed, don't preserve files:
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS performance_schema
2. db is needed, don't preserve files:
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS performance_schema CREATE DATABASE performance_schema
3. preserve files:
Either way, there's no need to do any IF's and checks.
I tend to agree, it's better to preserve user's files (and other objects) in P_S. Then what about:
4. db is not needed, but preserve files: - nothing - 5. db is not needed, preserve files, but drop database if there are no user files: IF-s and then DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS performance_schema Thanks, Sergey