Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at lib/My/ line 166.
# Return the number of cpus found sub num_cpus { my ($self)= @_; return int(@{$self->{cpus}}) or
confess "INTERNAL ERROR: No cpus in list"; }
Can somebody with strong Perl skills help me understand 1) Where this cpus array is inherited from?
It's not inherited, $self is an "anonymous hash" Observe: root:~$ perl -Mstrict -le 'my $self={a=>"b"};print scalar(@{$self->{cpus}}) ' Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at -e line 1. root:~$ perl -Mstrict -le 'my $self={a=>"b"};print scalar(@{$self->{cpus} || []}) ' 0 So adding these " || []" will avoid the error ([] means anonymous array aka list) root:~$ perl -Mstrict -le 'my $self={a=>"b",cpus=>["a","b","c"]};print scalar(@{$self->{cpus} || []}) ' 3
2) Why might it have now regressed in MariaDB 10.11.3 and why is this erroring only on armel/armhf but not other architectures?
I can't answer this question right now, sorry, need some deeper investigation which I can't right now but can try later.
3) What should I do wrap this section in so that if cpus is not set, it would just default to '1'?
Add this line before the troublesome line: return 1 unless $self->{cpus}; best regards, Vadim