2015-01-06 6:22 GMT+02:00 Jean Weisbuch <jean@phpnet.org>:
The second solution seems the best to me : i think that such an option should be added even on 10.0 and even if it would be disabled by default on 10.0, there should be at least a warning throwed when an abbreviation is used telling how it was really interpreted and that abbreviation use is not recommended/deprecated ; that option would be enabled by default on 10.1 or at least this option would be enabled on the default/example my.cnf files supplied with MariaDB so it wouldnt break existing setups and could be disabled for peoples that wants to stick with their bad habits.
The third solution makes sense if the second one requires much work to be implemented and doesnt seems to be that important, a simple deprecation warning for abbreviated commands on 10.0 would do the trick then but i suspect that doing that, does takes almost as implementing solution #2.
I agree with both paragraphs above.
ps: i never used abbreviations and never saw configurations or users using them (on purpose at least).
Me too. I didn't even know such a feature existed in MySQL/MariaDB. In some tools where I come across auto-abbreviations I've disliked it. It is difficult from documentation point-of-view to read and understand if two commands do the same thing or not. If people are too lazy to write long commands, then autocompletion is a much better solution. I like very much how git does this: it has both autocompletion and context-aware help if you run a command that was wrong and maybe misspelled.