The procedure is used here as it only executes "INSTALL PLUGIN unix_socket SONAME 'auth_socket';" if the plugin is not actually loaded (would output an error if it was the case). Another small issue of the actual approach is that it requires another mysqld execution just for this task which takes some times and is especially problematic when doing a package upgrade. Le 24/02/2015 10:06, Otto Kekäläinen a écrit :
Thanks for your help!
How should this then be re-written correctly?
SET sql_log_bin=0; USE mysql; DELIMITER //; CREATE PROCEDURE debian_plugin_install(IN plugin_name CHAR(50), IN soname CHAR(50)) BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND EXECUTE inst_plug; set @plugin_name=plugin_name; set @soname=soname ;set @install_plugin=CONCAT(\"INSTALL PLUGIN \",@plugin_name,\" SONAME '\", @soname, \"'\");PREPARE inst_plug FROM @install_plugin ; select PLUGIN_NAME INTO @a from information_schema.plugins where PLUGIN_NAME=@plugin_name AND PLUGIN_STATUS='ACTIVE' AND PLUGIN_TYPE='AUTHENTICATION' AND PLUGIN_LIBRARY LIKE concat(@soname,'%' ); DEALLOCATE PREPARE inst_plug; END// CALL debian_plugin_install('unix_socket', 'auth_socket') // DROP PROCEDURE debian_plugin_install//
Pull requests appreciated :)