Hi Kristian! On Sun, Jan 8, 2017 at 4:09 PM, Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org> wrote:
Sachin Setiya <sachin.setiya@mariadb.com> writes:
I am stuck at one problem in Mdev-10664. Suppose there is multisource replication('master1' and 'master2' ) and we want to update status var, How to know which master_info to update ?. Does slave threads have current replication channel name? (I was not able to find any , I have looked in rpl_group_info)
rgi->rli->mi Thanks.
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/multi_source/multi_parallel.test b/mysql-test/suite/multi_source/multi_parallel.test new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e27345d --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/suite/multi_source/multi_parallel.test
+--replace_result $SERVER_MYPORT_1 MYPORT_1 +eval change master 'master1' to +master_port=$SERVER_MYPORT_1, +master_host='', +master_user='root', +master_heartbeat_period = 25; + + + +--replace_result $SERVER_MYPORT_2 MYPORT_2 +eval change master 'master2' to +master_port=$SERVER_MYPORT_2, +master_host='', +master_user='root', +master_heartbeat_period=35;
Why do you set heartbeat_period here?
I was copying from other tests in multi_source, so I copied it without thinking, sorry Reverted.
+show variables like 'slave%';
Why do you need to show all these variables? It is very likely to cause the test to fail in some environments where the output may differ for whatever reason.
Sorry for this,I forgot to remove it , I was experimenting with slave_parallel_mode and slave_parallel threads , so I added this To my surprise slave_parallel_mode is replication channel specific , while slave_parallel threadsis a global variable, Why So ? And in mariadb documentation I was unable to find which variable is replication channel specific and which variable is global one. Reverted
+# Cleanup +stop all slaves; +--source include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc
This will only wait for one slave to stop, won't it?
yup, changed.
diff --git a/sql/log_event.cc b/sql/log_event.cc index ced2626..c041116 100644 --- a/sql/log_event.cc +++ b/sql/log_event.cc @@ -6780,6 +6780,17 @@ Gtid_log_event::do_apply_event(rpl_group_info *rgi) }
DBUG_ASSERT((bits & OPTION_GTID_BEGIN) == 0); + mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_active_mi);
Ouch! You are now taking an expensive global lock for each and every transaction :-( Surely this will hurt parallel replication performance.
Actually I was thinking the same, But I do not know how to get the master info So I used the same approch as in method show_slave_ddl_stmts. I no longer use mutex.
This seems completely unnecessary. For example, if no flags are set you are not doing anything here, so no lock needed at all. And even if a flag is set, there is no need to take LOCK_active_mi, the Master_info cannot go away in the middle of do_apply_event(). According to my understanding, incremention a status variable should not require taking a global mutex at all. Yep, because if there is DDL statement or non transnational statement it is executed alone. So no need of mutex.
+ Master_info *mi= master_info_index->get_master_info(&thd->variables.default_master_connection, + Sql_condition::WARN_LEVEL_NOTE); + if (mi) + { + if (flags2 & FL_DDL) + mi->total_ddl_statements++; + if (!(flags & FL_TRANSACTIONAL)) + mi->total_non_trans_statements++;
The name "statements" is very confusing here, since you are counting event groups, not individual statements.
Changed It to event total_ddl_events , total_non_trans_events
Did you consider writing documentation for the feature? Writing the documentation to explain to users exactly how the feature work could help clarify such issues for yourself also, before coding...
Never tried it , Will try it for next bug/task.
diff --git a/sql/mysqld.cc b/sql/mysqld.cc index adb1b27..5fcaf34 100644 --- a/sql/mysqld.cc +++ b/sql/mysqld.cc
@@ -8473,6 +8525,8 @@ SHOW_VAR status_vars[]= { {"Slave_retried_transactions",(char*)&slave_retried_transactions, SHOW_LONG}, {"Slave_running", (char*) &show_slave_running, SHOW_SIMPLE_FUNC}, {"Slave_skipped_errors", (char*) &slave_skipped_errors, SHOW_LONGLONG}, + {"Slave_DDL_statements", (char*) &show_slave_ddl_stmts, SHOW_SIMPLE_FUNC}, + {"Slave_Non_transactional_statements", (char *) &show_slave_non_trans_stmts, SHOW_SIMPLE_FUNC},
Again, this is not statements, it is event groups. Or "transactions" if you like, which is a term more familiar to users, though a "non-transactional transaction" is also not perfect terminology.
Used Event.
- Kristian.
-- Regards sachin