Hello! Does the MariaDB project have any plans about switching the data dir to /var/lib/mariadb in some release? In Debian there has been discussion about separating the binary-incompatible MySQL forks into separate /var/lib/<fork> to ease maintenance and secure data so that purging some packages will not accidentally delete data that another package uses. The thread is named "Discussion on handling 5.6 related matters" and available at http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-mysql-maint/2014-July/thread.ht... I'd appreciate any guidelines here on what the upstream plans are. The Debian MySQL/MariaDB packaging team willl have an IRC meeting tomorrow at 16:00 UTC and I need to express my opinion on the mattes and what kind of changes I'm willing to do to the MariaDB package. Obviously I'd like to follow upstream as much as possible to keep the delta between Debian and upstream small and thus the maintenance burden reasonable. -- Check out our blog at http://seravo.fi/blog and follow @ottokekalainen