2014-02-21 17:24 GMT+02:00 Daniel Bartholomew <dbart@mariadb.com>:
On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 3:53 AM, Otto Kekäläinen <otto@seravo.fi> wrote:
Daniel, can you prepare new sets of VMs for Ubuntu trusty and Debian sid? Then I can try to setup Buildbot to do these builds.
Ok, will do. I should have them up and running before the end of the week.
Any updates on this?
Sorry for the delay on this. I yesterday added Ubuntu trusty VMs to buildbot. Kristian: Over to you! Let me know if there's anything missing.
I'll start work on the Sid VMs today.
Thanks! The build fails as I expected: http://buildbot.askmonty.org/buildbot/builders/kvm-deb-trusty-amd64 It is about OQGraph and libboost-dev. Don't waste time debugging it, it is already solved in my debian/*. Just leave this in a failing state and once the new debian/* gets merged it will automatically start working. - Otto -- Check out our blog at http://seravo.fi/blog and follow @ottokekalainen