Hi, Jocelyn! On Aug 23, Jocelyn Fournier wrote:
Hi Sergei,
What about INET_ATON / INET_NTOA ipv6 support ? (there's a feature request opened on mysql since jan 2008 : http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=34037 )
They would need to convert to and from DECIMAL. It's doable. If you mean 128-bit integers, adding them is more complex, I guess, than adding a native ipv6 type (which is implemented on top of binary(16) internally). Why one would need INET_NTOA6 and INET_ATON6 ? INET_ATON can be used to convert an ip address to store it in the table, to save storage space. INET_ATON can be used to convert an ip address to a number to check against a subnet mask. Anything else ? Because if there is IPv6 native type there will be no need to convert for storage and no need to convert for a mask check. Regards, Sergei