"Peter" == Peter Laursen <peter_laursen@webyog.com> writes:
<cut> Peter> Arjen: This is not at all helpful! Let us try together to list what Peter> requirements are for a Config Wizard for Windows. Peter> . Peter> What is very important is 'security settings': Peter> * apply root password Peter> * enable/disable root from remote hosts Peter> * optionally delete anonymous user Peter> So a config wizard will need to Peter> * generate a my.ini (modifying existing template or generate from scratch) Peter> * start server 1st time Peter> * after server start connect to server and insert/update/delete from Peter> mysql.user. This is actually a small client program that needs to be Peter> bundled? Other things: Main question to ask is: - Is MariaDB the only thing you will run on this machine? (If yes, then generate a my.cnf file that will use all resources on the machine, if no, generate a my.cnf file that uses very little resources) - Offer to run mysql_upgrade (from within the wizard) if we detect old MySQL data. - Which storage engines to enable. (Imporant question to be able to generate the right .cnf file) - Strict mode (agree we should ask) By default, I don't think MySQL anymore has anonymous users on windows and then we shouldn't either. (Even if I think that for personal usage of a database that you can only access from localhost, having a password is not strictly necessary on windows) Regards, Monty