Hi, Anel! On Jul 29, Anel Husakovic wrote:
Hi Serg, thanks for your review.
+ +my $gcc_version= `gcc -dumpversion`; +$gcc_version=~ s/(\d).*$/$1/;
you don't need this second line, I suspect
It is not unique for all versions, that's why I used it:
$ for i in 5 6 7 9 10; do $(/usr/bin/gcc-$i -dumpversion); done 5.5.0: command not found 6.5.0: command not found 7: command not found 9: command not found 10: command not found
I don't understand what you mean or what you're doing here.
and write `my $fname` here
+ for my $line (@{$file->{lines}}){ + $cov{$fname}->{$line->{line_number}}= $line->{count};
shouldn't it be += $line->{count} ? The point is to accumulate all counters, see how it's done for non-json intermediate format.
+ } + } } }
Have seen and I'm not sure how it accumulates since per line "line_number" value is different (I haven't seen 'lcount' to have the same line_number), so the hash is different and += doesn't take effect.
it's for the case like, say, THD::exit_cond() - an inline method defined in sql_class.h. It's included in many .cc files and many *.gcov files will have lcount data for it. Regards, Sergei VP of MariaDB Server Engineering and security@mariadb.org