Hi, Daniel, On Dec 20, Daniel Black wrote:
updated as bb-11.0-danielblack-MDEV-30203-pkgtest-symlink-packages on top of bb-11.0-serg branch
please, rebase again (your three commits adjusting tests to 11.0 will disappear). Also, see below:
diff --git a/cmake/symlinks.cmake b/cmake/symlinks.cmake index 3f3b4e4a9b5..a4eb6c2b42c 100644 --- a/cmake/symlinks.cmake +++ b/cmake/symlinks.cmake @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ endmacro() REGISTER_SYMLINK("mariadb" "mysql") REGISTER_SYMLINK("mariadb-access" "mysqlaccess") REGISTER_SYMLINK("mariadb-admin" "mysqladmin") -REGISTER_SYMLINK("mariadb-backup" "mariabackup")
better not. there're scripts that might be using it. This is why I suggested `strncmp(my_progname, "mariadb", 7)` and not `strncmp(my_progname, "maria", 5)` in your PR
ok. Moved to direct link creation as REGISTGER_SYMLINK is used to determine compat links.
Why not to use compat links? I mean, you create compat links for the test component and manually list it for +SET(CPACK_COMPONENT_TESTSYMLINKS_GROUP "test") so it doesn't create MariaDB-test-compat. This would work for backup too, wouldn't it?
sure, lets try - pushed bb-11.0-danielblack-MDEV-30203-pkgtest-symlink-packages
apparently salsa was unhappy with it. "missing breaks". does it mean we have to keep that?
--- a/debian/mariadb-backup.install +++ b/debian/mariadb-backup.install @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ -usr/bin/mariabackup
same here. needs mariadb-backup-compat
for the time being I've kept mariadb-backup as the only package (no mariadb-backup-compat) and it still has the exe symlink
usr/bin/mariadb-backup usr/bin/mbstream -usr/share/man/man1/mariabackup.1
but this man link is removed.
why did you remove this man symlink? I thought Debian is pretty strict on having manpages for everything
you forgot to move symlinks to man pages
opps. Late push coming.
please, squash it with the main commit, when rebasing Regards, Sergei VP of MariaDB Server Engineering and security@mariadb.org