Hi! You can find it at https://launchpad.net/libdrizzle, or just bzr branch lp:libdrizzle. -Eric On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 08:49:58AM -0500, Adam M. Dutko wrote:
Eric, A A A Sorry for being dense...do you have a link so others can look at the code? Thanks. On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 8:39 AM, Michael Widenius <monty@askmonty.org> wrote:
>>>>> "Eric" == Eric Day <eday@oddments.org> writes:
Eric> Hi Sergei! Eric> Like I mentioned, this will be a tool written in Python that tests Eric> all the edge cases for the MySQL and Drizzle protocols. Currently I'm Eric> through the handshake code, and will be looking at command and result Eric> processing next. This is to make sure we guarantee compatibility as Eric> we re-write the protocol code in Drizzle.
Eric> This will be part of the libdrizzle project, so free to use and Eric> contribute to it! I've not pushed anything up yet, but probably will Eric> do so by the end of this week. I'll send you a link once I push it up.
Thanks, we will look into this shortly.
There is two issues I can think of with using libdrizzle with MariaDB:
- The client api is not binary compatible with MySQL. A This is a problem as we would like to be binary compatible with A MySQL's client library so that anyone can just replace MySQL with A MariaDB packages without having to recompile the clients.
- libdrizzle doesn't support, as far as I know, some MySQL features A like prepared statements. A Do you have a full list of what things are not supported in A libdrizzle compared to libmysql?
I would also like to do a full benchmarks to compare libdrizzle with libmysql to know how the libraries compare speedwise; I have already asigned this task to hakan.
Regards, Monty
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