To whom it may concern, I hereby offer all my changes to maria's launchpad website (https://code.launchpad.net/maria) documentation and the askmonty.org wiki under the Creative Commons license. Paul Charles Leddy 6/8/2009 On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 4:51 AM, Kristian Nielsen<knielsen@knielsen-hq.org> wrote:
Paul Charles Leddy <pcleddy@gmail.com> writes:
FYI, this really helped out getting started:
Is there some way I can add something similar to maria's launchpad site?
Any offer to help with this would certainly be most appreciated! I agree that something like this would be a an enourmous help.
I modified your account on the askmonty.org wiki to have editor rights, so you can add the information you want. It would be good if you can confirm (just by email) that any text added would be available to Monty Program under a Creative Commons license (sorry for the legalese).
I do not know if you need anything more to add what you want to the MariaDB Launchpad page, if you do just let me know.
- Kristian.