-----Original Message----- From: Kristian Nielsen [mailto:knielsen@knielsen-hq.org] Sent: Mittwoch, 6. April 2011 10:43 To: Vladislav Vaintroub Cc: maria-developers@lists.launchpad.net Subject: Re: dist-hook in top-level Makefile.am
You need to be careful when you remove it. Update any documentation that refers to the old way of installing from source on Windows, making sure existing stuff still works, etc. Well, I guess you are already aware of
Hi Kristian. that. I updated http://kb.askmonty.org/v/building-mariadb-on-windows with the latest info. There is a section in it on the "old-style"(5.1) builds, that still documents source package, that must be produced on Unix http://kb.askmonty.org/v/building-mariadb-on-windows#zip-packaging-in-51
It would be nice to also fix the autotools builds so that `make dist` to produce a source tarball no longer needs to compile the whole server. But then, as we are phasing out autotools, it is probably not worth it. Agree.
So I suppose just removing the dist-hook is a reasonable step if you make sure it does not break anything. Ok.
I guess the CMake system already has this done properly, so that a source tarball is produced without needing to build the server (and without generating these obsolete database files for Windows)?
"make dist" in 5.5 uses "bzr export" when building from bzr repo. It does a little bit more than that, it runs bison and puts sql_yacc.cc and sql_yacc.h into the tarball. If bzr is not available, cpack -C <build-dir>/CPackSourceConfig.cmake is used. It is done as properly as it was possible, though IMO would be even better/cleaner not to pre-package bison output.
- Kristian.