Thank you Kristian. On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 8:19 AM, Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org> wrote:
Pavel Ivanov <pivanof@google.com> writes:
What will happen with MariaDB if sem-sync master is enabled, some transactions is completed, but before it gets any semi-sync acks all slaves get disconnected? Will this transaction be rolled back? Or it will be left committed basically creating an alternate future?
It can not be rolled back. Before slaves can send semi-sync acks, the transaction must first be written to the binlog. Once a transaction has been written to the binlog, it can not be rolled back.
Here you go, one more way to get alternate future for experienced DBAs. ;-) Although it's not an actual problem, because client doesn't get an acknowledgment of the transaction in such case. But still it's something that needs an additional scripting or even manual intervention to clean up. Pavel