Hi! On Nov 15, Daniel Bartholomew wrote:
He's asking about getting MariaDB into the ports tree of FreeBSD. Any thoughts on an answer to give him?
Rather, do we want a FreeBSD port? I think we can do that, it is probably not too difficult. Although, of course, there could be a problem similar to what we have with debian and dependencies, but we'll never know unless we try :) I'd suggest to add one FreeBSD VM to buildbot - on that new Intel box that will host VMs for builbot anyway. Kristian already has the experience and all the scripts for generating debs and rpms and installing them on a clean VM - hopefully, that could be easily adapted to FreeBSD too. Acording to the FreeBSD porter's handbook " In FreeBSD, anyone may submit a new port, or volunteer to maintain an existing port if it is unmaintained--you do not need any special commit privileges to do so. " So, it should be possible for us to submit a MariaDB port and maintain it (*). Preferrably even in the source tree. Regards, Sergei (*) MySQL never managed to get that, btw.