Hi, Marko, On Sep 26, Marko Mäkelä wrote:
On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 3:24 PM Sergei Golubchik via developers wrote:
This was done to improve coexistence with MySQL. As MariaDB drifts farther from MySQL, there might be more and more users who could want to install them side by side, so it's important to reduce conflicts on file names.
Would it be thinkable for the mariadb packages to recommend or suggest a separate compatibility package that would install symbolic links to provide MySQL compatible program names? In that way, no deprecation messages would seem to be necessary at runtime.
I think we already have that, separate recommended compatibility package. The plan was to make it suggested eventually, as some undefined point in time in the future. But I don't remember it was discussed in relation to whether it makes the warning unnecessary. Regards, Sergei Chief Architect, MariaDB Server and security@mariadb.org