OK .. we will check this again. But in principle we want (always) not to have any external dependencies in our prorams/apllications at at all. We link statically everything to the extend possible. People should download and install SQlyog with a single click and it will just work. PERIOD! :-) That is what Windows users expect from an installer. How do we accomplish this with the MariaDB API? Compile it as a .lib/.dll and bundle it with our installer and let the installer copy it into the installation directory? Or should what you describe here happen at compile-time (linking statically)? Also please remember that SQLyog is a Windows program and our compiler is Visual Studio (2010 version, currently). Maybe you can provide *Windowssand Visual Studio pecific* guidelines?. Also (BTW) 1- 1½ years ago I asked similar questions and the only reply I had was (very abstractly) that MariaDB's mplementation was far superior to Oracle's. I was actually *despearately* asking for help at that time. The reply ("we are the best") was very little helpful and we have already lost significant business due to this. Anyway, I wili ask our developer team to recover as much information as possible due to this. -- Peter On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Sergei Golubchik <serg@mariadb.org> wrote:
Hi, Peter!
On Oct 13, Peter Laursen wrote:
Well .. where will I find it documented how to use it with Oracle-MySQL configured for their LDAP authenticaton setup? The same code that worked with oracles API does not work with the MariaDB API.
There's only one difference that comes to my mind.
Oracle-MySQL cleartext plugin is integral part of the client library, it's statically compiled into it. In MariaDB it's a separate plugin - which is loaded automatically on demand, but you still need to make sure you set the plugin-dir path correctly.
There's nothing else I can think of, our test suite verifies that cleartext plugin exists and that it actually works, so I don't think we've broken it somehow.
Regards, Sergei