Hi, Jan! On Mar 23, Jan Lindström wrote:
All below is correct and naturally you may re-implement duplicate search on different index type. I think there is more code that needs change as this new index type would contain a column (hash value of the blob field) that is not on stored on base table, right ? Indexed columns are also stored inside a InnoDB data dictionary persistently, so that part would also need change (dict/dict0*.cc files). Actually, you could store blob has also to table, it could make things easier. Secondly, remember that unique keys can be used inside a InnoDB as foreign keys, this is again a design question, do you allow blobs to be foreign keys or not. Finally, unique key with NOT NULL can be used as primary key i.e. clustered key on InnoDB, using blobs hash on that might be out of reach on this timetable.
R: Jan Lindström Principal Engineer InnoDB
Agree, blobs (even UNIQUE NOT NULL) cannot be used as primary keys. For simplicity I would not support foreign keys either, this can be added later. Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and security@mariadb.org