----- Original Message -----
Thanks for your help!
How should this then be re-written correctly?
Thinking strip away the procedures and work directly with a query of the information schema. perhaps even just call: set sql_log_bin=0; install plugin "unix_socket" and ignore the error if it exists..
SET sql_log_bin=0; USE mysql; DELIMITER //; CREATE PROCEDURE debian_plugin_install(IN plugin_name CHAR(50), IN soname CHAR(50)) BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND EXECUTE inst_plug; set @plugin_name=plugin_name; set @soname=soname ;set @install_plugin=CONCAT(\"INSTALL PLUGIN \",@plugin_name,\" SONAME '\", @soname, \"'\");PREPARE inst_plug FROM @install_plugin ; select PLUGIN_NAME INTO @a from information_schema.plugins where PLUGIN_NAME=@plugin_name AND PLUGIN_STATUS='ACTIVE' AND PLUGIN_TYPE='AUTHENTICATION' AND PLUGIN_LIBRARY LIKE concat(@soname,'%' ); DEALLOCATE PREPARE inst_plug; END// CALL debian_plugin_install('unix_socket', 'auth_socket') // DROP PROCEDURE debian_plugin_install//
Pull requests appreciated :)
-- -- Daniel Black, Engineer @ Open Query (http://openquery.com.au) Remote expertise & maintenance for MySQL/MariaDB server environments.