22 Jan
22 Jan
5:20 p.m.
Hi, Alexander! On Jan 22, Alexander Barkov wrote:
Hi Sergei,
On 01/20/2018 10:35 PM, Sergei Golubchik wrote:
Hi, Alexander!
Thanks! Looks more robust, indeed. Isn't there a need to save/restore the arena?
You call thd->free_items(); but unless mem_root is reset this won't free the memory, so I'd expect thd->free_list and thd->mem_root to be always saved/restored in sync. That is, as an arena.
As agreed on slack, let's return to the first version of the patch. I only added a helper class Item_change_list_savepoint, to avoid duplicate code.
ok to push! Sorry for many rounds... Regards, Sergei Chief Architect MariaDB and security@mariadb.org