So, I've been making a fair bit of changes around bits of the storage engine API (by all accounts for the better) in Drizzle. The idea being to move the handler to be a cursor on a table, with actions not pertaining that to reside in StorageEngine (e.g. DDL). There's also the (now rather old) change to drop table return code. The next thing that will move into the StorageEngine is metadata handling with the engine being able to be responsible for its own (table) metadata. This is well and truly increasing the differences between MySQL/MariaDB and Drizzle in this area of code - increasing the work needed to port an engine (either way). I would guess it makes little sense for MySQL and MariaDB to diverge here, although I have been (and continue to be) okay with Drizzle diverging. So, is there somebody interested in working with me to have the MySQL/MariaDB API evolve in the same way? -- Stewart Smith