I’m trying to add an option to sql_mode.
For this, I‘m adding in sql_class.h :
But now, my serveur doesn’t start and show “Sysvar 'sql_mode' failed 'def_val <= my_set_bits(typelib.count)'”
The problem seems to be in sys_vars.ic (Sys_var_set) :
option.var_type|= GET_SET;
global_var(ulonglong)= def_val;
SYSVAR_ASSERT(typelib.count > 0);
SYSVAR_ASSERT(typelib.count <= 64);
SYSVAR_ASSERT(def_val <= my_set_bits(typelib.count));
SYSVAR_ASSERT(size == sizeof(ulonglong));
Function my_set_bits works on 32bit and typelib.count may be up to 64.
In my case typelib.count is 33 and my_set_bits(33) returns 1, and the assert is false.
What is my mistake ?
Best regards,