Hi! This is second list of questions I came up while merging test cases: - --ignore-builtin-innodb is deprecated in 5.6, do we want to deprecate it too? - LOW_PRIORITY WRITE is deprecate in 5.6, do we want to deprecate it too? The following items seem to be not merged to MariaDB. Do we want to merge them? WL#5331 Support Unicode for Windows command line client Bug#12688860 : SECURITY RECOMMENDATION: PASSWORDS ON CLI WL#5855 (EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON) partition test WL#5980 - Allow remote tablespaces (need to check) WL5602 Providing password hashing with appropriate strength Bug#12316645: Wrong cost calculation with optimizer_join_cache_level settings WL#5602 - SHA256 password authentication Bugs#12635232: VALGRIND WARNINGS: IS_IPV6, IS_IPV4, INET6_ATON, INET6_NTOA + MULTIBYTE CHARSET Bug#14040277 UNINITIALIZED VALUE REFERENCED IN STR_TO_IPV6 And a lot of other IPV6 related stuff. Regards, Sergey