Hi, Kouhei! On Aug 21, Kouhei Sutou wrote:
I tried to sign up to JIRA(*) for submitting a bug report.
(*) https://mariadb.atlassian.net/secure/Signup!default.jspa
But I couldn't sign up because I couldn't get captcha image. I used "Chromium 28.0.1500.95 Debian jessie/sid (213514)" and "Iceweasel 7.0.8" on Debian GNU/Linux sid as Web browsers. I got the same result with these Web browsers.
I checked captcha image response by Chromium's developer tool. https://mariadb.atlassian.net/captcha returns "500 Internal Server Error" with the following body. Could you confirm it?
Yes, I've got this error 500 too. Something must be wrong with our hosted Jira installation. We'll report this problem to Atlassian. Please try again later, hopefully they'll fix it soon. Regards, Sergei